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MABIF visited Erode District

As MABIF had a CBBO, DM & FPO coordinator visited Erode District and convened a Board Meeting of Ammapettai Banana & Coconut FPCL, Bannari Amman FPCL and Joint Hands Women FPCL in the respective blocks of Ammapettai, Nambiyur and Thalavadi.

The meeting aimed to gather basic details for the formation of FPO and farmers mobilisation in the blocks, as well as understanding the cost of cultivation, how & when they harvest their produce, where they market, what are the struggles of marketing, how to value add the produce and how to obtain financial assistance, how they transport, among other things.

One of these FPCLs, Joint Hands women, is located in the hilly areas where they face difficulties due to middlemen intervention. The directors and CEOs of respective FPCLs were present at the meeting to discuss how MABIF can assist them in their demanding areas and get them a good price for their produce.

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