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  • Writer's pictureMABIF

BIRD Lucknow's Interface Workshop of Producer Organisation with Rural/Agri Startups.

MABIF along with BIRD(Bankers Institute of Rural Development) Lucknow organised a Program on Interface Workshop of Producer Organisation with Rural/Agri start-ups in Collaboration with NABARD MABIF's, AC&RI, Madurai on 18th to 20th Jan 2023.Dr.Snehal M Bansod,FM & Shri Amit Lal,DGM were Participated as Program director in this Program. The Following Topics are covered in this program, NABARD programmes for promotion of Agristartups:Understanding ecosystem of Agri-start-ups, Functioning of incubation centre, Business Models under Agri Start-ups, Company Registration and other modalities with case study & Facilitation of Intellectual Property Rights (IPR),Copyrights and GI tagging & Technology Interventions for Linking FPOs to the market. They visited MABIF and Its industrial units like Animal Feed Production,Milk Processing,Retort Processing and Chikki Making units.

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