Training Collector, Thriuvanamalai Shri. Ravi Teja IAS visited MABIF along with officials from the Department of Agriculture Marketing, the Board of Directors of FPOs, and officials from READS.
Sh. AS Sakthibalan welcomed the officials and briefed about NABARD's role in Rural Incubation and support to MABIF.
Team MABIF explained how MABIF started its operations, how they mapped the stakeholders, how services were created dynamically based on the needs of stakeholders.
Moreover, MABIF incubatees Cuptime (Chefless Kitchen), Dhaanyas (Traditional Products), and Hermet Nutrix (insect protein) examined the problem they solved, why they chose this problem, how the business model iterated, and how to market linkage is forged. The clients also explained how they availed services and how the services benefited them.
The team also visited industrial shed where the equipments are placed to convert the capital expenditure to the working capital of stakeholders.
The team appreciated the efforts of MABIF and insisted to continue support FPOs through incubated start-ups.
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