Millet cluster is one of the five cluster MABIF had chosen to kick start its operation with respect to clusters. Decentralized Production: MABIF had identified a cluster in Kallikudi and advised the FIG to convert into FPO, the process has been complete as of now. Centralized Processing: (Primary Value Addition) With support of Department of Plant Breeding and Genetics, AC & RI, Madurai under TANII scheme, Machinery and equipment was erected at Kappaloor, Thirumangalam. As well as KVK, AC & RI, Madurai had supported three entrepreneurs in the adjacent areas with necessary primary processing equipment to add value to farmers produce. MABIF is in discussion to take the entrepreneurs in the ambit of millet clusters. Centralized Processing: (Secondary Value Addition) with support from Community Science College and Research Institute, Madurai the FIG was trained on millet based value added before MABIF intervention. MABIF had advised the FIG to focus and start with one product by marketing it to end customers. Accordingly, the FIG started supplying the millet malt for MABIF programs.
Decentralized Marketing: MABIF had requested DD Marketing, Madurai to support the FPO by providing a Space at Chokkiculum Uzhavar Sandhai to sell the Millet Malt and other value added products, since the foot fall in the Farmers market is high. DD, Marketing had in-principle agreed, MABIF and the FPO are in process of obtaining proper paper work for the same. On obtaining the permission, MABIF shall launch the Millet cluster. If the space at the farmers market not allocated in a stipulated time, AGM, NABARDMadurai had suggested the FPC to apply for Rural Mart scheme to sell its products. The same model shall be replicated with TANII scheme in 3 places apart from the existing one. MABIF is in talks with IICPT, Thanjavur and ICAR-IIMR, Hyderabad to provide technologies to entrepreneurs to add value to its produce.