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  • Writer's pictureMABIF

MABIF Incubatee - Motherway!

Palm jaggery is an excellent substitute for white sugar and a nutritious and natural sweetener. Palm jaggery is the most beneficial and nutrient-rich variety of raw jaggery. It is prepared from palm tree extract and is loaded with minerals like iron, folate, potassium and calcium and vitamins. However, some people dislike its appearance. It is also expensive than other. But palm jaggery benefits are enviable because of its medicinal properties. From the healthier palm jaggery, one of our incubatee, M/s Motherway who produces traditional sweets like Palm jaggery peanut bar, Palm jaggery black sesame bar, Flaxseed bar etc.. using the natural palm jaggery with free of chemicals. For more information, contact Mr.Gurushankar (99428 85642) or write to with cc to Visit their website here:

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